Killer whales purposefully ramming boats along the coasts of Spain and Portugal.

Sailors witnessed multiple "coordinated" orca attacks on a 26-foot sailboat near Cape Spartel, by the Strait of Gibraltar.

A minimum of 15 incidents involving interactions between humans and orcas were documented in the year 2020.

Orcas, known for their remarkable social nature, are believed to have observed and imitated this behavior.

"Cooperative play is a frequent occurrence in this species, and a whale may not be aware that a sinking ship poses a threat to human lives."

In early May, the sailing yacht Alboran Champagne encountered a similar collision with three orcas approximately half a nautical mile off Barbate.

Every interaction between a ship and an orca must be reported to authorities, the ministry added.

The orcas approach from the stern and hit the rudder before losing interest once they have stopped the boat.